Member Responsibilities
Greeter:  Dr. George Broder
Pledge:  Frank Luporini
Invocation:  Earl Langguth  
4-Way Test: Bob Kline 
2017-18 President's Theme
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Saturday, August 5 - Roots & Wings Wine Cruise
Friday, September 1 - River Cats Game
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Mike Heauser
August 25
Pat Swope
Bob Purcell
August 22
Chuck Zavitz
Betty Zavitz
August 25
Join Date
Peter Nazarkewich
August 9, 2016
1 year
Karen McDonald
August 18, 2015
2 years
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Club Meeting 12:15 pm
President's Message
Mike Dobbins
member photo
From President Mike Dobbins 
Well...the votes are in and counted from the survey.
The results, while a bit muddy, indicate most of the 11 responders (11 of 33 on the books—17-maybe active) are somewhat OK with the club as is.
As you probably already know, membership involvement in both activities and governance is at best, lack luster, or “absolutely not!” One said they’d do anything asked. (names were not mandatory,  though. Darn!)
Almost all thought we represent well our community’s demographic and suggest it may be the cause of our perceived “laissez faire.”  (I spell-checked that. It’s good)
All but one,  think out meeting location is Great! So is the food and service. The one said both are poor. It’s a mixed bag as to the length of the meetings. I suppose it depends on your job or Boss (other half) and how forceful they are to get you the hell out of the house. 
My preference is 1.5 with a guest speaker, less for Club Assemblies. Please, if you must leave, just go!. Yelling out that you “have to go,” or “let’s get this over with.” are just no longer acceptable—could be finable, even.
Most think our service projects are fine but not well organized. Some think they are too few and all agree membership involvement is lacking.
All think membership in Rotary has much value, but find it hard to explain to a potential member why. Yet, we continually beat the “lets-get-new-members drum.  
My plan is to organize a committee of three to act as “membership support,” to meet with potential new members—BEFORE induction—and address and explain the costs, expectations and advantages of Rotary membership.
Cost of membership seems acceptable to almost all. Few, if any, want to begin fining folks with “childish fine games.” to build up the spending budget. Not sure about the “childish” part, but I get the message.
The bottom line to this survey, is the feeling most of those responding are satisfied with the current agenda, but absolutely refuse to serve in any capacity on the board, or in the governing seats (prez, VP, Sec, etc). Only one volunteered to “serve in any capacity.”—signed “NoName”  The number of “NOs” on the “willingness to serve” page was shocking.
Not sure any of this makes clear what our club can, or will, do differently. 
At first glance, we appear satisfied merely being a once-a-week lunch gathering—just to sit and chatter among ourselves. 
If that’s the case, that’s what we should be and stop beating ourselves up for “not doing more.”  
Or, if that’s not what we want, let’s put our heads together, design a once-a-year elaborate fundraiser, require 100-percent member participation (significant donation if you can’t) and make it grow each year. It’s up to us.
Time to “decide” or get off the pot.
We had the privilege of personally meeting our District 5190 Matching Scholarship Grant recipient, McKenna Gallagher.  She is an absolute winner in my book.  She is planning on pursuing a degree in nursing at University of Portland and wants to work in other countries with groups like "Doctors without Borders."  Like with Dr. Kellerman.....  Best wishes to McKenna.  We look forward to seeing her again.         
Next Week's Member Responsibilities:
Greeter:  Dr. George Broder
Pledge:  Frank Luporini
Invocation:  Earl Langguth 
4-Way Test: Bob Kline