In Three Years, Penn Valley Rotary Will
* Have 30+ Members
* Reach Out to Members Who Have Not Attended a Meeting
* Develop new membership categories
Our Club Foundation
* Contribute Annually to Local Projects
* Increase Scholarships
The Rotary Foundation
* Have 100% Sustaining Members
Youth Services
* Provide Continued Support for youth leadership programs such as RYLA and REGL
*Promote programs for youth in our community
Community Service
* Support projects at Western Gateway Park
* Provide Food Baskets for 40 Families Twice Annually
* Support Literacy projects
Club Service
* Have Monthly Fellowship or Service Projects
* Develop A Leadership Succession Plan
Vocational Service
* Have A Strong Connection with Local Schools and Youth Programs
* Collaborate with 4-H, Chamber, Farms to Strengthen Local Economy
Club Fundraisers
* Be a Lead Organization for the Daffodil Run
*Establish one major fundraiser
International Service
* Support and Fund International Projects Annually
Public Image
* Have Signage/branded shirts to identify club activities
*Work collaboratively with other organizations in the community