NEXT MEETINGS....1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, noon, Players Restaurant and Sports Bar, Penn Valley Nov 7...So you want to know about the Grand Jury? Mike Dobbins will be talking about his year as a member of the Nevada County Grand Jury...come find out if this is a good match for you... Nov 19...LWW Community Center/Lake Room...All the clubs from our Area 4 Rotary Foundation Recognition event...3-6 pm Nov 21...District Governor Stacy Graham will be visiting our club ...we'll be inducting news member, celebrating the quiet Rotarian and other awards ... MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! ******************************************************************* Rotary events... Cooking at Hospitality House... Pamela Y is looking for a team of 4 to help cook at Hospitality House once a month...send her a note at or text her at 530/277-8349...she'll have a sign up sheet at the next meeting.. Also....Bring your travel size shampoos, soaps and lotions to meetings..... Pamela Yazell will bring them to Hospitality House.. New Life Nursery is having a Haunted Garden October 27 & 28 ... member Lori Jayne (owner) needs help again...give Lori a call at the Nursery, 432-3600 Daffodil bulb planting...Nov 4 ...stay tuned for details... Mark your calendars!! District 5190 Conference May 17-19 Grand Sierra Resort, Reno Our MAILING ADDRESS!!! ...11354 Pleasant Valley Road, #134, Penn Valley, CA 95946