NEXT MEETING.... July 18...Update on economics of our and real estate...noon Players...Also after this meeting, we will have a Rotary club of Penn Valley Foundation board meeting and also a Club board meeting... July 25...Dinner at Lindy and Gordon's home to celebrate the 22-23 year and usher in the 24-25 year!! August 1...Tessa will give us an update on happenings in the financial arena...what might we expect, how might the financial world affect our income, etc...ask questions to help you understand better too.. Also, update on gleaning at local farm from Tom Diede August 15...hear from our Rotary Youth Exchange student, Milton Enstedt, from Sweden as he begins his year in our community...we are still looking for two host families to host Milton - Jan to March, April to June... ******************************************************************* Rotary events... We need members to help water the garden at Ready Springs school during the month of July...OPEN DAYS: Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday..please contact Co Prez Lindy at if you can help...starting the week of July 10... Thinking of a new fundraisers for the coming year to take the place of the Golf for Kids about a Corn hole tournament!!??...let us know your thoughts... Members in our club are working with the farming community to have our club participate in gleaning and/or a farm to table to Tom Diede if you're interested in gleaning... Rafting the American for Polio...see flyer HELPING OUR COMMUNITY... Bring your travel size shampoos, soaps and lotions to meetings ..Pamela Yazell will bring them to Hospitality House.. Polio Plus update: No new cases of paralysis caused by wild polio this week, so total new cases for 2023 remains at 6! Cases in 2023 in Pakistan and Afganistan... Our MAILING ADDRESS!!! ...11354 Pleasant Valley Road, #134, Penn Valley, CA 95946