MEETINGS.... Last week's meeting...Nevada County Free Health Clinic with Mindy Oberne was very informative... Set for Jul 15-17 at Nevada Union High School, this is the third time the CareForce Free Health clinic will been held in Nevada County. It has served over 1400 patients with free medical, dental and vision care, totaling over $347,000 worth of basic healthcare services... We welcome back Mark Fleming after many, many months...thanks to Mike Dobbins for getting him to the meeting...we hope we will see both Mark and Mike at many more... FUTURE MEETINGS... Tuesday, May 3...Introducing the "Thrive Store" on the Ready Springs campus...Principal Chrissy McKeown will introduce this project to our club and how we can help in keeping the store stocked... Member Assignments: Greeter: Paula Collins, Pledge: Melissa Conley, Invocation: Sue Hoek, 4way test: Jennifer Cordova Tuesday, May 17...Review/update our goals for our club in preparation for the new Rotary year which starts JULY 1...come with your ideas, and let's IMAGINE what our club can do together... Tuesday, June 7....Shelby McNamara, Interfaith Food Ministry From Pres Joyce: (reported by Lindy Beatie) The Area Foundation dinner was fantastic with an incredible presentation by our District Global Scholarship Chair and Empowering Girls Ambassador, Ramona Delmas of the Rotary Club of Bishop. She talked about projects of Maternal Health with Rotary partners in Chiapas Mexico and about Menstrual kits assembly by Rotarians here and shipped to women in that area as well...Past President Pamela Yazell, Paula Collins, Lindy Beatie and Mike and Christi Kelley represented our club, having a great time seeing everyone face to face once again...a good time was had by all... FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTIONS... If you have not already done so, please make your donation to the Rotary International foundation either as a check made out to the Rotary International Foundation (give to Ed) or direct via this link.. Please register for the District conference - registration to close on April 25... "All Aboard with Rotary"... District conference is a celebration of the will be held at Harrah's in South Lake Tahoe, April 29-May can see the line up of speakers, breakout sessions and activities ( Walk for Polio on Saturday morning, Our local Rotarian, Dr. Scott Kellerman speaking on his projects in Uganda and how Rotary works around the world, the president of Shelter Box) at should be a blast!! New members receive a discount on registration ...Let's celebrate President Joyce's year and the many great activities Penn Valley Rotary has accomplished... Check it out today!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS... The Penn Valley Rodeo will be held May 20-21...We will have a float in the Parade on Saturday, May 21...let Prez Joyce know if you plan to attend... Club Leadership Assembly .... President Elect Lindy is asking new officers, committee chairs and any club member who wants to learn about how to get more involved in their club's activities to sign up for this training session...May 21 in Sparks.. WE HAVE A NEW MAILING ADDRESS!!! ...11354 Pleasant Valley Road, #134, Penn Valley, CA 95946