FOR OUR NEXT MEETING... Oct 25...NO MEETING...WE ARE DARK ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25...ENJOY THE DAY! Future meetings...OCTOBER & NOVEMBER... October 25....Dark, no meeting Nov 1 ... Getting to know our new members...Tom Diede and Dorothy Pina...including 2 truths and a lie game to see how well you know them... Nov 8...Cap Wellington will discuss how he recruits students for the naval academy Nov 15...Our Rotary Youth Exchange students from Spain, Leon, will visit with our club about his experience so far .. Nov 22.. Beth Volz, Community Beyond Violence...creating peace Last meeting...Maddison Easley grew up on a multigenerational family ranch near Nevada City. She discussed the benefits of prescribed fire on private land, especially large pieces of of the benefits is to reduce the amount of duff build up on the ground under trees, etc, which prevents water from seeping through to the ground.. She discussed how to prepare for a prescribed burn, when to do it and who to call to get permitting or other approvals before moving was very very informative...Thanks Maddi!! Special thanks to Christy Savoy-Kelley for helping with the Ready Springs Garden 2 and Thrive Student Store District grant. We'll be helping the school plant and harvest produce that will go to the Thrive Student Store for students to purchase with their points...stay tuned for more info ... MARK YOUR CALENDARS... Monday, October 24...World Polio Day...Pints for Polio at the bar at Players Pizza from 6pm - 9 pm... 50 cents of each pint goes to our End Polio Now fund..invite you friends and neighbors... Saturday, October 29....HALLOWEEN AT NEW LIFE NURSERY... PENN VALLEY CHAMBER BREAKFAST...Thursday, November 3...we will be helping again...let Prez Lindy know if you can help and arrive at Buttermaker's Cottage at 6:30 am for set up, etc.... FUTURE EVENTS... NOVEMBER....WOW Point collection tabling at Holiday Market...stay tuned for dates... DECEMBER 16...Holiday Baskets for families, assembly and distribution on the same day 2023 JANUARY 7..Christmas tree recycling pick up in Lake Wildwood.. MARCH 9...AREA 4 FOUNDATION DINNER APRIL 16...Daffodil Run Music contest open now via Music in the Mountains website... Speech contest application coming in November... Ready Springs School needs paper shopping bags for the Thrive Store...bring them weekly and Gordon will bring them over to the school...thanks!!
WE HAVE A NEW MAILING ADDRESS!!! ...11354 Pleasant Valley Road, #134, Penn Valley, CA 95946