ALL THINGS and listen for the first of President Lindy's "All things Dutch" to win a Dutch treat... Tuesday, July 19....Jennifer Malone, CEO, Western Sierra Medical clinic.... and Sue Hoek will talk about the fire fees proposed for the November ballot; we'll be giving a donation to Ashley from Hospitality House for their apartments, and Theo VanVacas Gagnon will give a short talk on his experience at RYLA...JOIN US!! Tuesday, August 2...Jon Katis, Gold Country Senior Services, update on new Senior Center, and Area speech contest winner Arianna Dragesset Tuesday, August 16 ... Virginia Gompertz, NC Coalition of Fire Wise Communities talking about fire safety, what and where are firewise communities in Nevada County.. We will return to weekly meetings starting in September... Tuesday, Sept 6... Western Gateway Park update, Nancy Pierce -- we may have our meeting at the Park so Nancy can walk us around...stay tuned... Tuesday, Sept 13... Colleen Bond of Helping Hands Caregiver Resource Center in Penn Valley...Adult Day Care Services in our community Tuesday, Sept 20...Jan, speaker, writing coach...ever wanted to write a memoir, short story or start a book? Jan can give you some tips.. Tuesday, Sept 27... Brandon Lindsen, owner, New Life Nursery...planting for fall and winter Tuesday, Oct 4 ...... District Governor Jeff Gabriel to visit... Tuesday, Oct 11 ... Tuesday, Oct 18...Beth Merrill Volz, Community Beyond available for the prevention of interpersonal violence SOCIALS IN THE WORKS... **Anyone want to see Kris Stepanian in "Patsy Kline" at Off Broad Street Theater on July 29? email or let Lindy know at the next meeting...Kris is the daughter of past DG Anita Daniels and a Grass Valley Rotarian... August 12, evening...Nevada County Fair ...gather at the Loading Chute and have fun~~ October 24...World Polio Day...Pints for Polio and Plants for Polio November TBD....Farm to Fork dinner supporting Ag Education at Penn Valley School District From Pres Lindy: looks like the Curious Forge event was a fantastic to follow at the meeting on Tuesday...if you're reading this and it's Saturday between 3-5, just come by!!! Rotarians are People of Action and Service ***Bring your school supplies to THIS meeting, Tuesday, July 19!!! ...Community Beyond Violence is providing students in need with school supplies and backpacks. . Lindy will bring a child-size backpack to fill with supplies..Suggested items include: pens, pencils, note pads, binders, colored markers, crayons, small calculator
Partners in our community... The Penn Valley Chamber of Commerce has asked our Rotary Club to host the August 4 Chamber breakfast. We're going to do pofferjes and sausage so come and help Gordon (might he be our first new member of the Rotary year??!!) It's early, 6 am for set up...come meet others in our Penn Valley community!! Our "Golf for Kids" fundraiser is set for October 23 at Lake Wildwood...we have room for 6 twosomes so sign up ASAP ...a special thanks to Past President Joyce's husband Bruce for making all the arrangements ... this is a partnership with the Penn Valley Lions...a major fundraiser for us so if you're not golfing, remember to support the twosomes that do...
Area 4 Social....Saturday, July 16 at Curious Forge, arrive at 2:45 pm .. Bring an appetizers for 6-8 people... WE HAVE A NEW MAILING ADDRESS!!! ...11354 Pleasant Valley Road, #134, Penn Valley, CA 95946